Traditional artist as a hobby since 2007. Lover of art in its different levels and aspects.

Adrian A @Captain-Cheto

Age 32, Male

Baker and artist

Joined on 5/21/21

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The last Journal of the year

Posted by Captain-Cheto - December 22nd, 2024

Muy buenos dia, tardes o noches a todos en el mundo que lean este mesaje:

Como han estado. En lo personal e estado moderadamente bien. eh aprendido mucho de la vida este ultimo año:

Primero: Aprendi la valioza leccion de Ignorar. Me refiero a lo siguiente: Se acuerdan de que uno de mis problemas como artista es que siempre me piden y pien request y me tenian como escavo de arte y que por mas que les dijiera mis motivo nunca los entendian. Pues lo unico que tenia que hacer era ignorarlos y seguir en lo mio. No soy el unico al que le pasa este problema y es un problema que sigue pasando y pasara siempre. Si quieren que les dibuje, pues me tendran que dibujar un art trade (Absolutamente nada de A.I. Quiero esfuerzo real. Aunque no seas el mejor y sea un bosquejo como sea quiero arte real, es con lo unico que me conformo) y a funcionado muy bien que debi de haberlo implementado desde un principio.

Y segundo y lo mas importante: Aprendi que la fama de Internet no vale para nada la pena. Depende mucho del algoritmo, de que tanto llama la atencion, y que los gustos personales de todos nosotros son muy diferentes, etc. Digamos que en mi caso me gusta dibujar personajes anthros de los 90's y 2000's esperando de que vuelvan a su goria. Pero, no llaman tanto la atencion como los del anime del momento y que de este salio una discusion de como dibujarlo bien o mal. Y asi aprendi que lo que odio realmente son las discusiones y que a muchos no les gustan y por eso esta muriendo la guerra cultural si todo se resuelve entre gustos diferentes y tambien que: En el mundo del fanart hay un multiverso de variantes infinitas. si algo no te gusta, ignoralo y sigue en lo tuyo. No siempre tienes que dar tu opinion. Eso lo aprendi por experiencia.

Aprendi tambien a ser conformista, hay gente que 2000 o 10000 faves no son nada. Pero como yo soy y sere un artita pequeño, racione que en mi caso 30 o mas de 50 faves son suficientes para mi. Soy alguien muy paranoico, me frusto y enojo muy facilmente y la gente se burlaria mucho de mi si fuera una celebridad. Asi que en lo personal no es lo mio y seguire dibujando como un hobbie en mi tiempo de descanzo. Saludos y que tengan una feliz navidad y otro tipo de fiestas y un prospero año nuevo.

Para los que les debo un art trade (de este año) mandeme un DM para tenerlo listo aunque sea en Enero. Saludos

~ ° ~

Good morning, afternoon or evening to everyone in the world who reads this message:

How have you been? Personally, I've been moderately well. I've learned a lot about life this past year:

First: I learned the valuable lesson of Ignoring. I mean the following: Do you remember that one of my problems as an artist is that they always ask me for and make requests and they had me as an art slave and that no matter how much I told them my reasons, they never understood them. Well, the only thing I had to do was ignore them and continue with my thing. I'm not the only one who has this problem and it's a problem that keeps happening and will always happen. If you want me to draw you, then you'll have to draw me an art trade (Absolutely no A.I. I want real effort. Even if you're not the best and it's a sketch, whatever, I want real art, it's the only thing I'm satisfied with) and it's worked so well that I should have implemented it from the beginning.

And second and most importantly: I learned that Internet fame is not worth it at all. It depends a lot on the algorithm, on how much attention it draws, and that the personal tastes of all of us are very different, etc. Let's say that in my case I like to draw anthro characters from the 90's and 2000's hoping that they will return to their glory. But, they don't draw as much attention as the anime of the moment and that a discussion arose from this about how to draw it well or badly. And so I learned that what I really hate are discussions and that many people don't like them and that's why the cultural war is dying if everything is resolved between different tastes and also that: In the world of fanart there is a multiverse of infinite variants. If you don't like something, ignore it and continue with your thing. You don't always have to give your opinion. I learned that from experience.

I also learned to be conformist, there are people for whom 2000 or 10000 faves are nothing. But since I am and will be a small artist, I figured that in my case 30 or more than 50 faves are enough for me. I am someone very paranoid, I get frustrated and angry very easily and people would make fun of me a lot if I were a celebrity. So personally it is not my thing and I will continue drawing as a hobby in my free time. Greetings and have a merry Christmas and other kinds of holidays and a prosperous new year.

For those I owe an art trade (from this year) send me a DM to have it ready even if it is in January. Greetings



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