Traditional artist as a hobby since 2007. Lover of art in its different levels and aspects.

Adrian A @Captain-Cheto

Age 32, Male

Baker and artist

Joined on 5/21/21

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Captain-Cheto's News

Posted by Captain-Cheto - 16 hours ago

Muy buenos dia, tardes o noches a todos en el mundo que lean este mesaje:

Como han estado. En lo personal e estado moderadamente bien. eh aprendido mucho de la vida este ultimo año:

Primero: Aprendi la valioza leccion de Ignorar. Me refiero a lo siguiente: Se acuerdan de que uno de mis problemas como artista es que siempre me piden y pien request y me tenian como escavo de arte y que por mas que les dijiera mis motivo nunca los entendian. Pues lo unico que tenia que hacer era ignorarlos y seguir en lo mio. No soy el unico al que le pasa este problema y es un problema que sigue pasando y pasara siempre. Si quieren que les dibuje, pues me tendran que dibujar un art trade (Absolutamente nada de A.I. Quiero esfuerzo real. Aunque no seas el mejor y sea un bosquejo como sea quiero arte real, es con lo unico que me conformo) y a funcionado muy bien que debi de haberlo implementado desde un principio.

Y segundo y lo mas importante: Aprendi que la fama de Internet no vale para nada la pena. Depende mucho del algoritmo, de que tanto llama la atencion, y que los gustos personales de todos nosotros son muy diferentes, etc. Digamos que en mi caso me gusta dibujar personajes anthros de los 90's y 2000's esperando de que vuelvan a su goria. Pero, no llaman tanto la atencion como los del anime del momento y que de este salio una discusion de como dibujarlo bien o mal. Y asi aprendi que lo que odio realmente son las discusiones y que a muchos no les gustan y por eso esta muriendo la guerra cultural si todo se resuelve entre gustos diferentes y tambien que: En el mundo del fanart hay un multiverso de variantes infinitas. si algo no te gusta, ignoralo y sigue en lo tuyo. No siempre tienes que dar tu opinion. Eso lo aprendi por experiencia.

Aprendi tambien a ser conformista, hay gente que 2000 o 10000 faves no son nada. Pero como yo soy y sere un artita pequeño, racione que en mi caso 30 o mas de 50 faves son suficientes para mi. Soy alguien muy paranoico, me frusto y enojo muy facilmente y la gente se burlaria mucho de mi si fuera una celebridad. Asi que en lo personal no es lo mio y seguire dibujando como un hobbie en mi tiempo de descanzo. Saludos y que tengan una feliz navidad y otro tipo de fiestas y un prospero año nuevo.

Para los que les debo un art trade (de este año) mandeme un DM para tenerlo listo aunque sea en Enero. Saludos

~ ° ~

Good morning, afternoon or evening to everyone in the world who reads this message:

How have you been? Personally, I've been moderately well. I've learned a lot about life this past year:

First: I learned the valuable lesson of Ignoring. I mean the following: Do you remember that one of my problems as an artist is that they always ask me for and make requests and they had me as an art slave and that no matter how much I told them my reasons, they never understood them. Well, the only thing I had to do was ignore them and continue with my thing. I'm not the only one who has this problem and it's a problem that keeps happening and will always happen. If you want me to draw you, then you'll have to draw me an art trade (Absolutely no A.I. I want real effort. Even if you're not the best and it's a sketch, whatever, I want real art, it's the only thing I'm satisfied with) and it's worked so well that I should have implemented it from the beginning.

And second and most importantly: I learned that Internet fame is not worth it at all. It depends a lot on the algorithm, on how much attention it draws, and that the personal tastes of all of us are very different, etc. Let's say that in my case I like to draw anthro characters from the 90's and 2000's hoping that they will return to their glory. But, they don't draw as much attention as the anime of the moment and that a discussion arose from this about how to draw it well or badly. And so I learned that what I really hate are discussions and that many people don't like them and that's why the cultural war is dying if everything is resolved between different tastes and also that: In the world of fanart there is a multiverse of infinite variants. If you don't like something, ignore it and continue with your thing. You don't always have to give your opinion. I learned that from experience.

I also learned to be conformist, there are people for whom 2000 or 10000 faves are nothing. But since I am and will be a small artist, I figured that in my case 30 or more than 50 faves are enough for me. I am someone very paranoid, I get frustrated and angry very easily and people would make fun of me a lot if I were a celebrity. So personally it is not my thing and I will continue drawing as a hobby in my free time. Greetings and have a merry Christmas and other kinds of holidays and a prosperous new year.

For those I owe an art trade (from this year) send me a DM to have it ready even if it is in January. Greetings


Posted by Captain-Cheto - October 20th, 2024

Acabo de hacerme una nueva cuenta en Bluesky hace poco para que me sigan. El sitio web es por el momento es muy relajante. Y me gusta, Saludos

- ° -

I just made a new account on Bluesky recently for people to follow me. The website is very relaxing so far. And I like it. Regards



Posted by Captain-Cheto - September 2nd, 2024

Primero antes que nada. Este primero de Septiembre fue ya mi cumpleaños numero 32. Si quieren felicitarme o darme dibujo de mis ocs o algunos personajes que me guste pueden hacerlo cuanto ustedes quieran (que no sea hecho con ia, odio la ia, se ve horrible) 

Y segundo, es sobre como desde a mediados de Julio cambio mi autoestima por completo y me mejoro en muchos aspectos personales:

Resumen: Renuncie a todo eso de ser un artista famoso de Internet, crear tenencias, todos me idolatren, llamar siempre la atencion de una forma "positiva" y hasta llegar a hollywood solo por dibujar unos fanarts (si, tenia unas expectativas muy fantasiosas hasta no hace mucho) y es como si me hubiera quitado un gran peso de enzima y me siento mucho mejor.

Paso que entre tantos factores de que hay muchos artistas cancelados por lo peor porque supongo que se creen intocables por dibujar bien y que a mediados de Julio le hicieron tendencia a una imagen hecha con ia (esa del rostro del oso perezoso y una cara humana para demostrar que son mejores que lo bots) me di cuenta que no vale la pena y que mejor me dedique a dibujar realmente por hobby como artista pequeño por menos de 60 likes cuando este aburrido y me funciono tan bien que hasta me tardo media hora menos en el trabajo y me concentro mejor en todo lo que hago.

Algo que tambien eh hecho para mejorar es que eh ignorado estos ultimos meses casi todos los request. No es por ser egoísta o cerrado de mente. Pero a veces se ponen muy exigentes, piden cosas que me incomodan y me atrasan en mis demas proyectos. Ya eh dado varias indirectas antes y hasta eh llegado a pensar en el suicidio. Y todo lo que tenia que hacer es ignorar y seguir con lo mio.

Pero si quieren que les dibuje. En Octubre estaran abiertos los art trades, solo 5 cupos, uno por persona. Si voy a dibujarles tendran que darme algo a cambio y me gustan muchos los dibujos hechos con mucho esfuerzo. Saludos.

                                        ~ ° ~

First of all. This September 1st was already my 32nd birthday. If you want to congratulate me or give me a drawing of my OCs or some characters that I like, you can do it whenever you want (not done with AI, I hate AI, it looks horrible)

And second, it's about how since mid-July my self-esteem changed completely and I improved in many personal aspects:

Summary: I gave up all that stuff about being a famous Internet artist, creating trends, everyone idolizing me, always getting attention in a "positive" way and even getting to Hollywood just by drawing some fanarts (yes, I had very fanciful expectations until not long ago) and it's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel much better.

It happens that among so many factors that there are many artists cancelled for the worst because I suppose they think they are untouchable for drawing well and that in mid-July they made a trend for an image made with AI (that of the face of the lazy bear and a human face to show that they are better than the bots) I realized that it is not worth it and that I better dedicate myself to really drawing as a hobby as a small artist for less than 60 likes when I am bored and it worked so well for me that it even takes me half an hour less at work and I concentrate better on everything I do.

Something that I have also done to improve is that I have ignored these last few months almost all the requests. It is not because I am selfish or closed-minded. But sometimes they get very demanding, they ask for things that make me uncomfortable and they delay me in my other projects. I have already given several hints before and I have even thought about suicide. And all I had to do is ignore them and continue with my thing.

But if you want me to draw you, art trades will be open in October, only 5 places, one per person. If I go to draw you, you will have to give me something in return and I really like drawings made with a lot of effort. Greetings.


Posted by Captain-Cheto - August 5th, 2024

Despues del caso de Kyle Carrozza a finales de Julio me hizo comprender muchas cosas. Estoy tan molesto por esto que tratare de abrirme lo mas que pueda. Perdon de ante mano si soy muy grafico con lo que dire: El hecho de que de nuevo un artista que llegara muy lejos con la animacion terminara siendo un pedofilo con mas de 600 imagenes y 12 videos de cp DE NIÑOS REALES me asquea demaciado. No es la primera y ultima vez que algo asi pase, el tipo ya tenia una actitud muy toxica entre sus compañeros de trabajo y hasta acoso a una artista que no le gustaba y hasta la puso en la lista negra de Hollywood y le quitaran el seguro medico por un dibujo nsfw de Zim para que pensaran que "el era de los buenos" cuando en realidad tenia unos demonios peores. Siento mas lastima por sus personajes que por el que ya no seran nunca mas usados en ninguna franquicia. Si quieren usarlos para proyectos personales. Haganlo, cambienles los nombres y hasta el aspecto. Pero siempre dividiendo al arte del artista. Nunca por esa basura humana. Solo por los personajes. 

No sere un angel en comparacion a el, tengo mis propios demonios que preferiria que se resolvieran de forma mas personal (y sito. No soy un pedofilo o ando acosado a la gente que me cae mal) soy envidioso, muy temperamental, me frusto facilmente y hasta soy paranoico creyendome las conspiraciones de que los "reptilianos estan dando siempre un algoritmo negativo". A uno que a otro abre preocupeado de mas (hasta e tenido pensamientos suicidas). Almenos tengo uso de razon cuando hago algo mal, trato de compensarlo aprender de mi errores y los eh estado superando.

Ser artista es muy divertido pero tambien es muy sacrifiante. Siempre ambicione con ser famoso, pero si lo fuera, lo mas seguro es que seria por ser un lolcow y lo pasaria peor que no serlo. Queria cambiar al algoritmo por cosas mas positivas pero siempre me estoy quejando o dibujando cosas eroticas con un estilo muy infantil. Asi que agradesco ser un artista "underground" y aprecio mucho no pasar de los 30 faves. Ahora mi animo mejoro, soy mas nilista y me concentro mejor en mi trabajo. Seguire dibujando mas como un hobbie cuando estoy aburrido que como una obligacion y eso me hace ser mucho mas productivo en casi todo o que hago. 

Y para finalizar. Recuerden que para este 1 de Octubre estaran abiertos los art trades de nuevo. Solo 5, uno por persona, mas detalles cuando llegue la fecha (No me gusto mucho esto de los semestres, mucho que esperar. Como ya casi acabo con mis pendietes, el otro año seran los 10 cupos por todo el resto del año) Saludos sean respetuoso con los demas y si ven un fan art que no les gusta, ignorenlo.

                                      ~ ° ~

After the Kyle Carrozza case at the end of July it made me understand a lot of things. I'm so upset about this that I'm going to try to open up as much as I can. Sorry in advance if I'm too graphic with what I'll say: The fact that again an artist who went very far with animation ended up being a pedophile with more than 600 images and 12 videos of cp OF REAL CHILDREN disgusts me too much. It's not the first and last time that something like this happens, the guy already had a very toxic attitude among his coworkers and even harassed an artist he didn't like and even put her on the Hollywood blacklist and had her health insurance taken away for an nsfw drawing of Zim so they would think that "he was one of the good guys" when in reality he had worse demons. I feel more sorry for his characters than for the fact that they will never be used again in any franchise. If they want to use them for personal projects. Do it, change their names and even their appearance. But always dividing the art from the artist. Never for that human garbage. Only for the characters.

I won't be an angel compared to him, I have my own demons that I would prefer to be resolved in a more personal way (and I'll say. I'm not a pedophile or I go around harassing people I don't like) I'm envious, very temperamental, I get frustrated easily and I'm even paranoid believing the conspiracies that the "reptilians are always giving a negative algorithm". I've worried about one or the other too much (I've even had suicidal thoughts). At least I have the use of reason when I do something wrong, I try to compensate for it by learning from my mistakes and I've been overcoming them.

Being an artist is very fun but it's also very sacrificial. I always wanted to be famous, but if I were, it would most likely be for being a lolcow and I would have a worse time than not being famous. I wanted to change the algorithm for more positive things but I'm always complaining or drawing erotic things with a very childish style. So I'm grateful to be an "underground" artist and I really appreciate not going over 30 faves. Now my mood has improved, I'm more nilistic and I concentrate better on my work. I will continue drawing more as a hobby when I'm bored than as an obligation and that makes me much more productive in almost everything I do.

And finally. Remember that for this October 1st the art trades will be open again. Only 5, one per person, more details when the date comes (I didn't like this semester thing very much, a lot to wait for. As I'm almost done with my pending things, next year there will be 10 spots for the rest of the year) Greetings, be respectful to others and if you see a fan art that you don't like, ignore it.


Posted by Captain-Cheto - May 19th, 2024

Muy buenos dias, tardes o noches a todos los que esten leyeno ete post.

Antes que nada. Vuelvo una vez mas a decir esto de que estoy muy agradecido on todos ustedes. No sere un "creador de ontenido" super famoso y apenas llego a los 25 a 50 maximo 100 favs por mi arte. Pero digamos que ya estoy aceptando que sea un artista por hobbie cuando no tengo nada que hacer y tenga algo para no aburrirme. Mi "ambicion" era ser un artista famoso, pero si lo soy, me estresaria mucho por como la gente me sobre excigiria todos los dias contenido de gran calidad y me meteria en muchos problemas que no podria controlar. Asi que por eso mismo valoro quedarme en lo minimo y que alle hecho amigos a los que les gusta lo que haga. No es facil superar el ego y la envidia. Pero lo puedo superar.

Tambien tengo que decir sobre los art-trades. Los voy a tener que cerrar hasta despues de Halloween (solo 5 pedidos por persona) Motivo: No e por ser egoista o cerrado de mente. Pero me piden demaciado sin recivir absolutamente nada a cambio. Mi estilo para ser honesto no es muy bueno pero aun asi hay mucha gente que me pide demaciados request y no me dejan concentrarme en mis propios asuntos. Llevo de mas de 13 años dibujando en Internet. Eh usado millones de indirectas y nunca nadie las entiende. Asi que las mejores obvcione son: Simplemente ignorar y si quieren que le dibuje seran Art trades. Pero aun asi pien mucho asi que seran un minimo por semestres. 5 los primeros meses del año y 5 despues de Hallowwen. Facil de entender.

En lo personal me concentrare en mis propios dibujos. Ya le scomente que ahora si estoy realmente entuciasmado para dibujar lo yo quiera y sera 40 dibujos en lo que queda del año. Pewdirpie hizo 100 dibujo en 100 dias pero yo planeo hacer la mitad de eso pero con descanzos. en una semana puedo hacer 2 dibujos (un dia lineas, el otro colores y el ultimo publicado solo si estpy de buen humor) pero no siempre sera asi y todo depende de que tanto tiempo libre tenga y como me sienta. Saludos y sigan dibujando con sus propios esfuerzos porfavor.

                                     ~ ° ~

Very good morning, afternoon or evening to all those who are reading this post.

First of all. I once again say this that I am very grateful to all of you. I will not be a super famous "content creator" and I barely reach 25 to 50 maximum 100 favs for my art. But let's say that I am already accepting that I am an artist as a hobby when I have nothing to do and have something to not get bored. My "ambition" was to be a famous artist, but if I am, I would get very stressed because of how people would overexcite me every day with high-quality content and I would get into a lot of trouble that I couldn't control. So that's why I value staying to a minimum and having made friends who like what I do. It is not easy to overcome ego and envy. But I can get over it.

I also have to say about the art-trades. I'm going to have to close them until after Halloween (only 5 orders per person) Reason: Not because I'm selfish or closed-minded. But they ask too much of me without receiving anything in return. My style, to be honest, is not very good but there are still a lot of people who ask me for too many requests and don't let me concentrate on my own issues. I have been drawing on the Internet for more than 13 years. I've used millions of hints and no one ever understands them. So the best obvcione are: Simply ignore and if they want me to draw them they will be Art trades. But they still think a lot so it will be a minimum for semesters. 5 the first months of the year and 5 after Halloween. Easy to understand.

Personally I will concentrate on my own drawings. I already told you that now I am really excited to draw whatever I want and it will be 40 drawings in the remainder of the year. Pewdirpie did 100 drawings in 100 days but I plan to do half of that but with breaks. In a week I can make 2 drawings (one day lines, the other colors and the last one published only if I'm in a good mood) but it won't always be like that and it all depends on how much free time I have and how I feel. Greetings and please continue drawing with your own efforts.


Posted by Captain-Cheto - February 9th, 2024

Ya estamos a Febrero cuando escrivo esto. Muchas cosas estan pasando en el mundo en este preciso momento. Solo le pido a Dios que todo este en paz como debe ser.

En lo personal ya estoy mentamente mejor que en años anteriores. No sere creador de contenido como soñe desde los 14, pero aun asi puedo seguir dibujando cualquier cosa que me plasca. Sin preocuparme de lo que diga Internet.

Y ahora lo prometido desde la semana pasada ahora que estoy mejor prepadaro: Voy a publicar mucho ma arte, antiguo y nuevo. Los art trades estan abiertos todo el año (uno por persona, nada de IA y con ciertas reglas personales) y los request estan cerrados y esta vez va en serio. Siempre podre hacer dibujos de cumpleaños, retos artiticos y una que otra sugerencia por mi voluntad propia.

Saludos y sigan dibujando.

~ ° ~

It is already February when I write this. Many things are happening in the world at this very moment. I just ask God that everything is peaceful as it should be.

Personally, I am already mentally better than in previous years. I won't be a content creator like I dreamed of since I was 14, but I can still continue drawing whatever I like. Without worrying about what the Internet says.

And now what I promised from last week now that I'm better prepared: I'm going to publish a lot of my art, old and new. The art trades are open all year round (one per person, no AI and with certain personal rules) and the requests are closed and this time it is serious. I can always make birthday drawings, artistic challenges and the occasional suggestion of my own free will.

Greetings and keep drawing.

Posted by Captain-Cheto - December 25th, 2023

Perdon si estuve ausente la ultima semana. Tuvieron que formatear mi notebook. Me lo iban a traer listo el lunes anterior, pero por movitos de que en estas fiestas todos estan muy ocupados en sus propios asuntos. Me lo devolvieron recien el domingo anterior. 

Pero ahora todo esta bien. Este fue un año (para mi) de comprencion. No todos somos artistas famosos. Algunos solo lo hacemos por diversion y eso esta bien. 

Esta es mi ultima semana para publicar arte antiguo (que solo publique en Twitter) el otro mes completo mi lista de arte faltante y luego abrire art trades (solo 5 cupos todo el año. 1 por persona) 

Y sin nada mas que decir. Que tengan una gran tarde, mañana o noche. Los quiero mucho a todos y muchas gracias por todo.

                                                   ~ ° ~

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all

Sorry if I was absent last week. They had to format my notebook. They were going to bring it to me ready the Monday before, but because during these holidays everyone is very busy with their own affairs. They only returned it to me the previous Sunday.

But now everything is fine. This was a year (for me) of understanding. We are not all famous artists. Some of us just do it for fun and that's okay.

This is my last week to post old art (I only post on Twitter) next month I complete my list of missing art and then I will open art trades (only 5 slots all year. 1 per person)

And with nothing more to say. Have a great afternoon, morning or night. I love you all very much and thank you very much for everything.

Posted by Captain-Cheto - November 8th, 2023

Veran, en Twitter dan "consejos" de que no dibujar, pero lo hacen tan mal que al les quedan muy "pasivo agresivo" como: "porque no dibujas fondos? eres idiota acaso?" y yo que soy muy paranoico me afecta mucho. Asi que un me arme e valor y les dije que me sentia intimidado y me respondieron que: "No me dejara intimidar por un mal comentario de un niño de 15 años sobre el arte y que dibujara o que quisiera". Y con eso cambio mi vida por completo.

No sere famoso y eso muy esta bien. La codicia y el ego me estaban destrozando mentalmente y no estaba bien, hize preocupar a toda mi familia (llegaba a llorar y tener ataques de ira). Y Si fuera famoso. La gente seria muy sobreexsigente con migo, se meterian en mi vida privada y toda mi familia sufriria bastante. Y no estoy para eso. No vale la pena sufrir. Todo lo que hago es para relajarme antes o despues de una jornada laboral y esta mas que bien.

Seguire dibujando y publicando solocuando este bien. Y ahora me siento bien. PERO LOS REQUEST ESTAN CERRADOS PARA SIEMPRE. Resulta que la mayoria son fetichistas que en lugar e hacer ellos mismos su arte prefieren que otros les hagan su "trabajo sucio" para que despues sea sus "esclavos" y aunque no sean sus intenciones, tenga temor a dibujar porque me saldra ese tipo de gente. Y eso no esta nada bien.

El proximo año solo seran art trades entre mutuales o regalos de cumpelaños a los artistas y amigos que mas aprecio. Con que dibujes un garabato me conformo bastante (no quiero nada de esa basura de arte IA. Lo desprecio y todo parece plastico barato)

Y por ultimo y lo mas importante, sean respetuosos con lo demas, nada de acosar a otros artistas o queder perjudicar su esfuerzo solo porque no quieres reconocer que le tienes envidia a su excito. Saludos.

P.D. Esta semana estere haciendo una maraton de publicar arte aun no pubicado, nada de comentar request no los voy a tomar en cuenta, no insisntan. Los quiero mucho. Adios

~ ° ~

My only ambition in my life was to be a popular international artist (because it seemed easy) to leave my mark on life. You know, being an influencer, a content creator, an internet celebrity that everyone loves. But it frustrated me a lot not to be one no matter how much "effort" I made. Until last month where they told me to just do what I liked the most without worrying about what others think and my optimism improved much more, I even work much better at my job and leave on time without overthinking the bad internet problems. .

Yes, I know that many of you, my friends, have told me this several times. But this time it was very different.

You see, on Twitter they give "advice" about what not to draw, but they do it so badly that they look very "passive aggressive" like: "why don't you draw backgrounds? Are you an idiot, maybe?" And since I am very paranoid, it affects me a lot. So I gathered courage and told them that I felt intimidated and they replied: "I wouldn't let myself be intimidated by a bad comment from a 15-year-old boy about art and drawing or wanting to." And with that my life changed completely.

I won't be famous and that's fine. Greed and ego were destroying me mentally and it was not good, it made my whole family worry (I would cry and have fits of anger). And if he were famous. People would be very overdemanding with me, they would get into my private life and my whole family would suffer a lot. And I'm not for that. It's not worth suffering. Everything I do is to relax before or after a workday and it's more than fine.

I will continue drawing and publishing only when I am well. And now I feel good. BUT REQUEST ARE CLOSED FOREVER. It turns out that the majority are fetishists who, instead of doing their own art, prefer that others do their "dirty work" for them so that they can later be their "slaves" and even if that is not their intention, I am afraid to draw because I will get that type of people. And that's not good at all.

Next year it will only be art trades between mutuals or birthday gifts to the artists and friends that I appreciate the most. I'm pretty happy with you drawing a doodle (I don't want any of that AI art garbage. I despise it and it all looks like cheap plastic)

And lastly and most importantly, be respectful of others, do not harass other artists or harm their efforts just because you do not want to admit that you are envious of their success. Greetings.

P.S. This week I will be doing a marathon of publishing art not yet published, nothing about commenting on requests, I am not going to take them into account, do not insist. I love you so much. Bye


Posted by Captain-Cheto - September 24th, 2023

Ya soy adulto desde hace mucho tiempo. Mi unica ambicion, ser un artista famoso. Aun sigo siendo pequeño, mi familia me recomiena no ser una celebridad de internet o todos se burlarian e mi. Y tienen razon y aunque me cueste, valoro bastante al pequeño grupo de amigos que hize y a la gente que me da minimo 20 a 40 likes por miarte. Soy conformista y no saben lo mucho que eso significa para mi. Trate de crear varias veces el meme o reto artistico del cual seria una "legenda". Pero no me funciono. No a toos les funciona y tengo que aceptarlo. Tambien. debo de hacerme responable de mis acciones, ya deje mas que claro cientos de veces porque evito el arte a pedido. Resumen, soy autista y como tal que se metan con mi "itinerario" me desmorona (aunque varias veces me terminan convenciendo) la mayoria no tiene malas intenciones, toos tenemos dificutades para dibujar, e visto miles de artistas que sufren de lo mismo, que al igual que yo, sin importar cuanto se esfuercen por decir que no hacen request. No logran frenarlos e igual ellos tienen el descado e pedirle arte en sus propios dibujos (que es el insulto mas grane que le puedes hacer a un artista). Y aun asi, siguen adelante, dibujano lo que les apacionan, inspirando a otros artistas a dibujar, ganar dinero, ser apreciados. Los envidio mucho, pero no puedo tenerle rencor porque dibujan mejor que yo. espues de todo todos somos personas con nuestros porpios problemas y nos debemos e apoyar en lugar e perjuicar.

Lo ultimo que les voy a decir, sean respetuosos con los demas. No seas envidioso el esfuerzo e los demas, no los perjuriques porque uno no sabe que es basicamente el trabajo que sustenta a una familia. Si algo no te gusta, ignoralo. Si puedes donar inero real a un artista, hazlo. Nadie sabe cual es nuestro verdarero motivo en este mundo pero al fian, lo utimo que nos queda es apoyarnos los unos a los otros. Que tengan un feliz dia, tarde o noche. Y sigan dibujano, sin importarque tan bueno seas y que digan los criticos.

P.D. Ya deje muy en claro que no hago mas request para siempre. Asi que dibujen ustedes mismos.

~ ° ~

I have been an adult for a long time. My only ambition, to be a famous artist. I'm still small, my family recommends me not to be an internet celebrity or everyone would make fun of me. And they are right and although it is difficult for me, I really value the small group of friends I made and the people who give me at least 20 to 40 likes for me. I'm a conformist and you don't know how much that means to me. Try to create several times the meme or artistic challenge of which it would be a "legend". But it didn't work for me. It doesn't work for everyone and I have to accept it. Also. I must take responsibility for my actions, I have already made it clear hundreds of times why I avoid art on demand. Summary, I am autistic and as such the fact that they mess with my "itinerary" breaks me (although several times they end up convincing me) the majority does not have bad intentions, we all have difficulties drawing, and I have seen thousands of artists who suffer from the same thing, who Just like me, no matter how hard they try to say they don't request. They can't stop them and they still have the right to ask for art in their own drawings (which is the biggest insult you can give to an artist). And yet, they keep going, drawing what they love, inspiring other artists to draw, make money, be appreciated. I envy them a lot, but I can't hold a grudge against them because they draw better than me. After all, we are all people with our own problems and we should support each other instead of harming each other.

The last thing I'm going to tell you, be respectful of others. Do not be envious of the effort of others, do not harm them because you do not know that it is basically the work that supports a family. If you don't like something, ignore it. If you can donate real money to an artist, do it. Nobody knows what our true motive is in this world but at the end of the day, the last thing we have left is to support each other. Have a happy day, afternoon or night. And keep drawing, no matter how good you are and what the critics say.

P.S. I have already made it very clear that I will not make any more requests forever. So draw yourselves.

Posted by Captain-Cheto - August 24th, 2023

Asi es. Este 1 de septiembre Sera mi Cumpeados Numero 31. No Pido mucho Solo Diganme Cual es Su Dibujo favorito que Yo Hize y me conformo bastante (Les Pediria que me dibujaran. Pero no me gustaria hacerles exigirles demaciado).

En lo que acaba el mes estare publicando mas dibujos antiguos (2 en la mañana y 2 en la noche) la mayoria son request ANTIGUOS que les hize a artistas reconocidos que me gustan en Twitter y que de seguro ustedes conocen, sino siganlos y si pueden, paguenles unas comiciones. Y RECORDATORIO MEGA IMPORTANTE DE QUE NO VOY A VOLVER A HACER REQUESTS NUNCA MAS EN MI VIDA. ACABARE ESTE AÑO CON MI INTINEDARIO Y CON SUERTE EL PROXIMO AÑO HARE 5 ART TRADES MINIMO POR PERSONA. Saludos.

P.D. Aprecio bastante los favs. Ultimamante que estado esmotivado, pero saber que aun a la gente le gusta mi arte incluso los mas antiguos me alegra el dia. Saludos.

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That's how it is. This September 1 will be my cumpeados number 31. I do not ask much just tell me what your favorite drawing is that I hize and I am quite satisfied (I would ask you to draw me. But I would not like to make them demand too much).

In what ends the month I will be publishing more ancient drawings (2 in the morning and 2 at night) the majority are old requirements to have recognized artists that I like on Twitter and that you surely know, but follow them and if you can , pay them some commission. And Important Mega Reminder that I will not reques again in my life. I will end this year with my intinedary and hopefully the next year will make 5 art trades minimum per person. Greetings.

P.S. I appreciate the favs. Ultimamamante that a touched state, but knowing that even people like my art even the oldest ones I am glad. Greetings.