Traditional artist as a hobby since 2007. Lover of art in its different levels and aspects.

Adrian A @Captain-Cheto

Age 32, Male

Baker and artist

Joined on 5/21/21

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Captain-Cheto's News

Posted by Captain-Cheto - November 8th, 2023

Veran, en Twitter dan "consejos" de que no dibujar, pero lo hacen tan mal que al les quedan muy "pasivo agresivo" como: "porque no dibujas fondos? eres idiota acaso?" y yo que soy muy paranoico me afecta mucho. Asi que un me arme e valor y les dije que me sentia intimidado y me respondieron que: "No me dejara intimidar por un mal comentario de un niño de 15 años sobre el arte y que dibujara o que quisiera". Y con eso cambio mi vida por completo.

No sere famoso y eso muy esta bien. La codicia y el ego me estaban destrozando mentalmente y no estaba bien, hize preocupar a toda mi familia (llegaba a llorar y tener ataques de ira). Y Si fuera famoso. La gente seria muy sobreexsigente con migo, se meterian en mi vida privada y toda mi familia sufriria bastante. Y no estoy para eso. No vale la pena sufrir. Todo lo que hago es para relajarme antes o despues de una jornada laboral y esta mas que bien.

Seguire dibujando y publicando solocuando este bien. Y ahora me siento bien. PERO LOS REQUEST ESTAN CERRADOS PARA SIEMPRE. Resulta que la mayoria son fetichistas que en lugar e hacer ellos mismos su arte prefieren que otros les hagan su "trabajo sucio" para que despues sea sus "esclavos" y aunque no sean sus intenciones, tenga temor a dibujar porque me saldra ese tipo de gente. Y eso no esta nada bien.

El proximo año solo seran art trades entre mutuales o regalos de cumpelaños a los artistas y amigos que mas aprecio. Con que dibujes un garabato me conformo bastante (no quiero nada de esa basura de arte IA. Lo desprecio y todo parece plastico barato)

Y por ultimo y lo mas importante, sean respetuosos con lo demas, nada de acosar a otros artistas o queder perjudicar su esfuerzo solo porque no quieres reconocer que le tienes envidia a su excito. Saludos.

P.D. Esta semana estere haciendo una maraton de publicar arte aun no pubicado, nada de comentar request no los voy a tomar en cuenta, no insisntan. Los quiero mucho. Adios

~ ° ~

My only ambition in my life was to be a popular international artist (because it seemed easy) to leave my mark on life. You know, being an influencer, a content creator, an internet celebrity that everyone loves. But it frustrated me a lot not to be one no matter how much "effort" I made. Until last month where they told me to just do what I liked the most without worrying about what others think and my optimism improved much more, I even work much better at my job and leave on time without overthinking the bad internet problems. .

Yes, I know that many of you, my friends, have told me this several times. But this time it was very different.

You see, on Twitter they give "advice" about what not to draw, but they do it so badly that they look very "passive aggressive" like: "why don't you draw backgrounds? Are you an idiot, maybe?" And since I am very paranoid, it affects me a lot. So I gathered courage and told them that I felt intimidated and they replied: "I wouldn't let myself be intimidated by a bad comment from a 15-year-old boy about art and drawing or wanting to." And with that my life changed completely.

I won't be famous and that's fine. Greed and ego were destroying me mentally and it was not good, it made my whole family worry (I would cry and have fits of anger). And if he were famous. People would be very overdemanding with me, they would get into my private life and my whole family would suffer a lot. And I'm not for that. It's not worth suffering. Everything I do is to relax before or after a workday and it's more than fine.

I will continue drawing and publishing only when I am well. And now I feel good. BUT REQUEST ARE CLOSED FOREVER. It turns out that the majority are fetishists who, instead of doing their own art, prefer that others do their "dirty work" for them so that they can later be their "slaves" and even if that is not their intention, I am afraid to draw because I will get that type of people. And that's not good at all.

Next year it will only be art trades between mutuals or birthday gifts to the artists and friends that I appreciate the most. I'm pretty happy with you drawing a doodle (I don't want any of that AI art garbage. I despise it and it all looks like cheap plastic)

And lastly and most importantly, be respectful of others, do not harass other artists or harm their efforts just because you do not want to admit that you are envious of their success. Greetings.

P.S. This week I will be doing a marathon of publishing art not yet published, nothing about commenting on requests, I am not going to take them into account, do not insist. I love you so much. Bye


Posted by Captain-Cheto - September 24th, 2023

Ya soy adulto desde hace mucho tiempo. Mi unica ambicion, ser un artista famoso. Aun sigo siendo pequeño, mi familia me recomiena no ser una celebridad de internet o todos se burlarian e mi. Y tienen razon y aunque me cueste, valoro bastante al pequeño grupo de amigos que hize y a la gente que me da minimo 20 a 40 likes por miarte. Soy conformista y no saben lo mucho que eso significa para mi. Trate de crear varias veces el meme o reto artistico del cual seria una "legenda". Pero no me funciono. No a toos les funciona y tengo que aceptarlo. Tambien. debo de hacerme responable de mis acciones, ya deje mas que claro cientos de veces porque evito el arte a pedido. Resumen, soy autista y como tal que se metan con mi "itinerario" me desmorona (aunque varias veces me terminan convenciendo) la mayoria no tiene malas intenciones, toos tenemos dificutades para dibujar, e visto miles de artistas que sufren de lo mismo, que al igual que yo, sin importar cuanto se esfuercen por decir que no hacen request. No logran frenarlos e igual ellos tienen el descado e pedirle arte en sus propios dibujos (que es el insulto mas grane que le puedes hacer a un artista). Y aun asi, siguen adelante, dibujano lo que les apacionan, inspirando a otros artistas a dibujar, ganar dinero, ser apreciados. Los envidio mucho, pero no puedo tenerle rencor porque dibujan mejor que yo. espues de todo todos somos personas con nuestros porpios problemas y nos debemos e apoyar en lugar e perjuicar.

Lo ultimo que les voy a decir, sean respetuosos con los demas. No seas envidioso el esfuerzo e los demas, no los perjuriques porque uno no sabe que es basicamente el trabajo que sustenta a una familia. Si algo no te gusta, ignoralo. Si puedes donar inero real a un artista, hazlo. Nadie sabe cual es nuestro verdarero motivo en este mundo pero al fian, lo utimo que nos queda es apoyarnos los unos a los otros. Que tengan un feliz dia, tarde o noche. Y sigan dibujano, sin importarque tan bueno seas y que digan los criticos.

P.D. Ya deje muy en claro que no hago mas request para siempre. Asi que dibujen ustedes mismos.

~ ° ~

I have been an adult for a long time. My only ambition, to be a famous artist. I'm still small, my family recommends me not to be an internet celebrity or everyone would make fun of me. And they are right and although it is difficult for me, I really value the small group of friends I made and the people who give me at least 20 to 40 likes for me. I'm a conformist and you don't know how much that means to me. Try to create several times the meme or artistic challenge of which it would be a "legend". But it didn't work for me. It doesn't work for everyone and I have to accept it. Also. I must take responsibility for my actions, I have already made it clear hundreds of times why I avoid art on demand. Summary, I am autistic and as such the fact that they mess with my "itinerary" breaks me (although several times they end up convincing me) the majority does not have bad intentions, we all have difficulties drawing, and I have seen thousands of artists who suffer from the same thing, who Just like me, no matter how hard they try to say they don't request. They can't stop them and they still have the right to ask for art in their own drawings (which is the biggest insult you can give to an artist). And yet, they keep going, drawing what they love, inspiring other artists to draw, make money, be appreciated. I envy them a lot, but I can't hold a grudge against them because they draw better than me. After all, we are all people with our own problems and we should support each other instead of harming each other.

The last thing I'm going to tell you, be respectful of others. Do not be envious of the effort of others, do not harm them because you do not know that it is basically the work that supports a family. If you don't like something, ignore it. If you can donate real money to an artist, do it. Nobody knows what our true motive is in this world but at the end of the day, the last thing we have left is to support each other. Have a happy day, afternoon or night. And keep drawing, no matter how good you are and what the critics say.

P.S. I have already made it very clear that I will not make any more requests forever. So draw yourselves.

Posted by Captain-Cheto - August 24th, 2023

Asi es. Este 1 de septiembre Sera mi Cumpeados Numero 31. No Pido mucho Solo Diganme Cual es Su Dibujo favorito que Yo Hize y me conformo bastante (Les Pediria que me dibujaran. Pero no me gustaria hacerles exigirles demaciado).

En lo que acaba el mes estare publicando mas dibujos antiguos (2 en la mañana y 2 en la noche) la mayoria son request ANTIGUOS que les hize a artistas reconocidos que me gustan en Twitter y que de seguro ustedes conocen, sino siganlos y si pueden, paguenles unas comiciones. Y RECORDATORIO MEGA IMPORTANTE DE QUE NO VOY A VOLVER A HACER REQUESTS NUNCA MAS EN MI VIDA. ACABARE ESTE AÑO CON MI INTINEDARIO Y CON SUERTE EL PROXIMO AÑO HARE 5 ART TRADES MINIMO POR PERSONA. Saludos.

P.D. Aprecio bastante los favs. Ultimamante que estado esmotivado, pero saber que aun a la gente le gusta mi arte incluso los mas antiguos me alegra el dia. Saludos.

~ ° ~

That's how it is. This September 1 will be my cumpeados number 31. I do not ask much just tell me what your favorite drawing is that I hize and I am quite satisfied (I would ask you to draw me. But I would not like to make them demand too much).

In what ends the month I will be publishing more ancient drawings (2 in the morning and 2 at night) the majority are old requirements to have recognized artists that I like on Twitter and that you surely know, but follow them and if you can , pay them some commission. And Important Mega Reminder that I will not reques again in my life. I will end this year with my intinedary and hopefully the next year will make 5 art trades minimum per person. Greetings.

P.S. I appreciate the favs. Ultimamamante that a touched state, but knowing that even people like my art even the oldest ones I am glad. Greetings.


Posted by Captain-Cheto - July 12th, 2023

Primero que nada quiero agradecer a Curtsibling por a cuenta Core en D.A. Muchas gracias por el gran gesto. La estoy aprovechando lo mas que pueda. Y la moraleja es: Siempre se buena perona en Internet y diles ocsas buenas.

Y segundo. Ya es hora de que deje de ser pesimistas. No estoy entre los artistas mas populares, pero eso es mucho mejor porque dejan mi vida privada en paz, quizas no tenga mas e 1000 favs por dibujo en un dia, pero aprecio bastante tener 70 o 20 favs y uno que otro comentario. Siempre hay que apreciar las cosas pequeñas de la vida.

Este mes publicare 3 dibujos por dia que tengo pendientes y hare minimo 4 dibujos nuevos cada mes. Luego hare minimo 5 art trades el proximo año.Pero deberan de ser pacientes. Porque de acore a mis animos o que tan oocupado este puedo tener listo un dibujo en tres dias minimo. Ya soy un hombre y es hora de hacerme cargo de lo que hago. Saludos.

                                       - ° - 

First of all I want to thank Curtsibring for Core account in D.A. Thank you very much for the great gesture. I am taking advantage of it as much as I can. And the moral is: it always be good perona on the Internet and good Occas good.

And second. It is time to stop being pessimistic. I am not among the most popular artists, but that is much better because they leave my private life alone, maybe I have no more e 1000 favs per drawing in one day, but I appreciate enough to have 70 or 20 favs and one or the occasional comment. You always have to appreciate the small things in life.

This month I will publish 3 drawings per day that I have pending and I will minimize 4 new drawings every month. Then I will make a minimum of the next year. But they must be patients. Because of agreeing to my animals or how out of this I can have a minimal day drawing ready. I am already a man and it is time to take care of what I do. Greetings.

Posted by Captain-Cheto - May 23rd, 2023

Primero. Quiero agradecer a todos los que aun siguen dandofavs a mis ibujos Incluso mis mas antiguos. Los que tienen unos colores muy opacos y apenas se veian porque les tomaba fotos con mi celular en una hora especifica del dia (al menos en D.A).

Y segundo. Ya que veo que a muchos les gusta mi arte mas de lo que pensaba, ahora si que si publicare arte. Perdon si lo dije hace un par de semanas atras. Pero es que tengo tanto arte que no se por donde organizarme. Creo que empezare con los de año nuevo y los request.

Este año me decidi a empezar a colorear con marcadores. Por lo que ahora se veran mas vivos, si les confunden, pondre la fecha en los comentarios. Fueron dos años de hiatus y creo que ahora puedo valorar lo que hago. Saludos.

P.D. Los request, sujestions, art trades y otro arte a pedido estaran cerraros este año. No por ser egoista, es que en serio tengo que centrarme si o si en todos los pendientes y si insisten, tendre que bloquearlos. Saludos.

~ ° ~

First. I want to thank all those who are still giving my ibujos even my oldest. Those who have very opaque colors and just seen because I took photos with my cell phone in a specific time of the day (at least in D.A).

And second. Since I see that many like my art more than I thought, now that if I publish art. Sorry if I said it a couple of weeks ago. But I have so much art that I don't know where to organize. I think I will start with the New Year and the Requests.

This year I decided to start coloring with markers. So now they will be more alive, if they are confused, I will put the date in the comments. They were two years of hiatus and I think I can now value what I do. Greetings.

P.S. The requests, Sujestions, Art Trades and another art at request will be closed this year. Not because I am a selfish, it is serious to focus if or if on all the earrings and if they insist, I will have to block them. Greetings.

Posted by Captain-Cheto - May 2nd, 2023

Esta semana si que estare publicando y dibujando todos los request que debo desde hace ya muchos años. Lo juro. Ya tengo 30 años, soy un adulto y tengo que ser responsable con mis acciones. Fantaceaba con ser un artista grande y eso al final me estaba lastimando demaciado que entre en epresicon y con ayuda psicologica, de mi familia y de Intenert pude entrar mas en razon. Fueron como dos años y aun me sigo recuperando. Por esa forma de ser tan egoita y paranoica e perido a varios amigos y me arrepiento mucho.

De nuevo, solo Dibujo por hobbie. Unicamente cuando tengo tiempo y estoy bien de salud mental. No "cumpli" mi ambicion de ser un artista popular como varios artistas que admiro desde mi adolecencia. Pero tengo a unos cuantos amigos a los que les gustan y eso esta bien.

Tratare de hacer todos los dibujos que pueda hasta finales de este año si es que sigo bien. No prometo mucho porque habran ias en que quizas pueda ibujar dos cosas en una semana y en otras no quiera hacer nada. Asi es la vida. Esto pensano en que quizas haga minimo 5 art trades al año para evitar los request. Podre dibujar retos artisticos, pero siempre y cuando me guste.

Saludo y que tengan un grandioso dia, tarde o noche.

~ ° ~

This week I will be publishing and drawing all the requests that I owe for many years. I swear. I am 30 years old, I am an adult and I have to be responsible with my actions. I fantasized to be a big artist and that in the end was hurting me too much that enters Epresicon and with psychological help, my family and intenert I could get in more reason. They were like two years and I still recover. For that way of being so egoita and paranoid and perided several friends and I regret it a lot.

Again, I just draw hobby. Only when I have time and I am well with mental health. I did not "fulfill" my ambition to be a popular artist as several artists that I admire from my adolence. But I have a few friends who like them and that is fine.

I will try to make all the drawings that I can until the end of this year if I remain well. I do not promise much because there will be that maybe I can get two things in a week and in others I don't want to do anything. This is life. This is thought that you may minimize 5 art trades a year to avoid the requests. I can draw artistic challenges, but as long as I like it.

Greetings and have a great day, late or night.

Posted by Captain-Cheto - December 31st, 2021

Si quieres leer este post hazlo, si no vas a decir nada positivo, no lo hagas.

Perdon si en estos ultimos meses no e pubicado mis dibujos ultimamente. Eh estado sumamente estresado y con suerte los e estado publicando egoistamente en mi cuenta de Twitter.

Mi estres se resume en dos puntos: mi trabajo de pastelero es sumante estresante.

Y dos. Por este hobbie de dibujante. Para explicarles mejor: E estado suamamrente estresado de a pricipios de año  por realizar que no soy un artista profecional popular que puede dejar su "legado en la Internet y es muy reconocido" como siempre e estado faltaseando. Fue una verdad bastante dolorosa que aun sigo supedando. Lo peor fue, que tenia ataques de ira, celos y rencor por muchos artistas que aprecio. Muchos podian desde hacer un buen dibujo y ser la tendencia del mes hatsa la gente que era tendencia por "dibuja tu oc usando esto". y todos le dibujaban. Y yo queria ser parte de eso. No tantopor los mies de dibujos gratis. Si no mas bien por orgullo de que mucha gente dibuja lo que les pida que hagan. Obtuve un par de dibujos en el año entre amigos, y los aprecio mucho.

Tambien fue que lo de las tendednica artistica los malinterpretaba como request. Habian demaciados y me costo mucho organizar por cual empezar primero. Y a final de año no hize casi ninguno por sobrepensar en como dibujar, y no se si aun pueda hacerlos porque ya casi nadie los mensionan. Eran outifit buenos que nunca se me habian ocurrido dibujar. Asi que tendre que ver que hacer al respecto.

Lo otro es, si se preguntan cuando volvere a dibujar request. Quizas sea a finales del 2022 o principios del 2023. La verdad es que me estresa mucho la sobrecarga de arte, se que no lo hacen en mala intencion, que aprecian mucho mi arte aunque no esta a nivel profecional y es solo un hobbie cuando tengo tiempo y estoy en calma. Pero la verdad es que hay veces en que no se puede y no quiero decepcionarlos si me tomo años en hacerles un dibujo que les prometi hacer con e pensamiento "de que me dejen tranquilo con mis propios asuntos". Asi que los request estaran cerraron por un tiempo indefinido. no porque sea egoista o cerrado de mente, es mas por salud mental principalmente, siempre fue asi, le comente esto a mi familia, no pense que me iban a entender, y me entenierona la perfecccion. Me dijeron que todo esto es solo un hobbie para desestresarme, que nadie me esta pagando y que si fuese un artista popualr, estaria aun mas estresado por el tdoble de pedidos que me harian. E estado pensadno en hacer commiciones por $15 dolares ms que nada para que los request se "frenen un poco". Pero eso o vere mas adeante.

Saludos, que tengan un feliz año nuevo 2022 lleno de positividad y cosas buenas, sigan dibujando sin importar sus niveles artisticos y traten muy bien a sus artistas favoritos.

                                                                                ~ ° ~

If you want to read this post do it, if it is not going to say anything positive, do not do it.

Sorry if I haven't published my drawings lately. I've been extremely stressed and hopefully I've been selfishly posting them on my Twitter account.

My stress can be summed up in two points: my job as a pastry chef is extremely stressful.

And two. For this hobby of drawing. To explain better: I have been stressed out earlier in the year for realizing that I am not a popular professional artist who can leave his "legacy on the Internet and is well recognized" as always has been lacking. It was a very painful truth that I am still overcoming. The worst thing was, that I had fits of anger, jealousy and resentment for many artists that I appreciate. Many could from making a good drawing and being the trend of the month to people who were trending for "draw your eye using this". and they all drew him. And I wanted to be a part of that. Not so much for the harvest of free drawings. If not rather out of pride that many people draw what you ask them to do. I got a couple of drawings in the year from friends, and I really appreciate them.

It was also that the artistic trends were misinterpreting them as request. They had too many and it cost me a lot to organize where to start first. And at the end of the year I didn't do almost any of them because I over-thought about how to draw, and I don't know if I can still do them because almost nobody mentions them anymore. They were good outifit that had never occurred to me to draw. So I'll have to see what to do about it.

The other thing is, if you're wondering when I'll redraw request. Maybe it's late 2022 or early 2023. The truth is that the overload of art stresses me a lot, I know they don't do it with bad intentions, that they appreciate my art a lot even though it's not at a professional level and it's just a hobby when I have time and I am calm. But the truth is that there are times when you can't and I don't want to disappoint you if it took me years to make a drawing that I promised to do with the thought "to leave me alone with my own affairs." So the requests will be closed indefinitely. not because I'm selfish or closed-minded, it's more for mental health mainly, it was always like that, I mentioned this to my family, I didn't think they were going to understand me, and they understood me perfectly. They told me that all this is just a hobby to de-stress me, that nobody is paying me and that if I were a popular artist, I would be even more stressed by the double requests that would be made. I've been thinking of doing commissions for $ 15 more than anything to get requests to "slow down a bit." But that or I'll see more ahead.

Greetings, have a happy new year 2022 full of positivity and good things, keep drawing regardless of your artistic levels and treat your favorite artists very well.


Posted by Captain-Cheto - August 17th, 2021

Aviso que mi cumpleaños sera este Miercoles 1 de Septiembre.

Con unas felicitaciones me alegro. Pero si quieren darse el tiempo de darme un dibujo como regalo:

Les doy tres opciones:

Dibujar a mis OC's como mas les gusten (nada de fetiches asquerosos)

Redibujar cualquiera de mis dibujos como ustedes quieran.

Hacer alguno de mis retos que trate de hacer en Twitter:



Mis redes sociales alternas son:

- https://www.deviantart.com/captain-cheto 

- https://www.furaffinity.net/user/captain-cheto/ 

- https://inkbunny.net/CapCheto92 

- https://captaincheeto.tumblr.com/ 

- https://captain-cheto.newgrounds.com/ 

- https://twitter.com/CaptainCheto 

Saludos, cuidence mucho, que tengan un gran dia, tarde o noche y sigan dibujando.

                    ~ ° ~ 

Notice that my birthday will be this Wednesday, September 1st.

With congratulations I am happy. But if you want to take the time to give me a drawing as a gift:

I give you three options:

Draw my OC's how they like them best (no disgusting fetishes)

Redraw any of my drawings however you want.

Or do some of my challenges that I tried to do on Twitter:



My alternate social networks are:

- https://www.deviantart.com/captain-cheto 

- https://www.furaffinity.net/user/captain-cheto/ 

- https://inkbunny.net/CapCheto92 

- https://captaincheeto.tumblr.com/ 

- https://captain-cheto.newgrounds.com/ 

- https://twitter.com/CaptainCheto 

Greetings, take care, have a great day, afternoon or evening and keep drawing.
